The page displays the age of the OnHand Stock in the business. The Ageing Buckets can be defined by the business within Epicor. Below is an overview of the page:
1. Filters
The filters allow the user to determine which type of stock transaction should be used to calculate the age of the stock. If no filters are applied then any type of transaction will be considered when working out the last time a Part was used. The StockUsage Transaction filter allows the user to only consider traditional stock transactions such as shipments to customers and adjustments to stock.
2. Last Usage
The pie chart splits the onhand stock by the ageing of the last used date.
3. Stock Value by Warehouse
The split of stock value by warehouse.
4. Stock Value by Part Class
The split of stock value by Part Class.
5. Open Purchase Orders
This KPI is an indicator of what stock has been ordered for the selected values on the page. The value in this field allows the user to check if POs have been placed for stock that has not been used for a length of time.