
This page is a tool for identifying where the business may encounter material shortages in the coming months. The page takes the Current OnHand Qty, adds any expected supply (PO Receipts / Jobs) and deducts usage based on the Shortage Calculation method selected.

1. Shortage Calculation Basis

The user can select which usage calculation to apply to the OnHand stock in order to determine if there will be any shortages in the coming months. The options can be described as follows:

  • Last Year Usage: The usage for the same month the year before.
  • Actual Demand: The actual demand as it exists in Epicor.
  • Last 3 Month Avg: The average usage in the last 3 months.
  • Last 6 Months Avg: The average usage in the last 6 months.
  • Last 12 Months Avg: The average usage in the last 12 months.

If the user would prefer to only include the Jobs that are marked as firm then they can use the CheckBox provided.

2. Forecasted OnHand

The table displays the expected OnHand quantity at the end of each month. Where a negative on hand is expected the cell will turn red.

3. OnHand by Plant

The location of the current OnHand stock.

4. Usage, Supply and Running Total

The visualisation displays the expected usage, expected supply and resultant running total based on the Shortage Calculation Basis.