
The page provides an overview of the Aged Receivables (Open Sales Invoices). Below is an overview of the page:



1. AR KPIs

Total Debtors details the total outstanding balance. Credit Hold Customers is the total number of customers on Credit Hold. Open Invoices is total number of Open Invoices. Avg Days Outstanding is the average number of days between an invoice being open and it being closed.

2. Credit Utilisation

The total amount of invoices compared to the total amount of Credit allowed for each Customer.

3. Outstanding Debt by Ageing

The total debt split by ageing buckets.

4. Invoices and Payments by JEWeek

The AR Invoices and Payments by Journal Entry Week.

5. Invoice Ageing by Customer

The invoices split into ageing buckets and detailed by Customer. 

Drill Through: to invoice detail associated with the customer