EFACs are a standard part of Epicor ERP and are a tool for applying external analysis codes to segment value 1 codes. The Blue Sky PBI Finance Template app requires that a predefined list of analysis codes are created and assigned to segment value 1 records for completing the refresh. The analysis codes need to be entered into each company in Epicor and should be consistent across companies where possible.
The screen to create records is External Financial Analysis Code:
To Create a new code:
- Enter the code name.
- Enter the code description.
- Specify the external financial analysis code.
- Specify the external financial analysis code 2
- Click Save.
Below is an example of the screen with populated value:
You will need AT LEAST ONE code for each of the below Analysis Codes
GP - Gross Profit
OE - Overheads
NP - Net Profit
CA - Current Assets
CL - Current Liabilities
NCA - Non Current Assets
NCL - Non Current Liabilities
EQ - Equity
In addition to the above list of codes the following list of Analysis Code 2 values are required for CA/CL analysis codes so that several of the pages in the template app to display data correctly.
AR - Accounts Receivable
AP - Accounts Payable
USD - United States Dollars
Below is the recommended list of analysis codes to be entered into each company:
Internal Code | Description | Analysis Code | Analysis Code 2 |
BSKY10 | Turnover | GP | |
BSKY20 | Cost of Sales | GP | |
BSKY30 | Invoiced Expenses | OE | |
BSKY35 | General Ledger Expenses | OE | |
BSKY40 | Non Operating Income | NP | |
BSKY50 | Non Operating Expenses | NP | |
BSKY60 | Accounts Receivable | CA | AR |
BSKY70 | Accounts Payable | CL | AP |
BSKY80 | Bank GBP | CA | GBP |
BSKY85 | Bank USD | CA | USD |
BSKY90 | Bank Euro | CA | EUR |
BSKY100 | Current Assets | CA | |
BSKY120 | Non Current Assets | NCA | |
BSKY140 | Current Liabilities | CL | |
BSKY160 | Non Current Liabilities | NCL | |
BSKY180 | Equity | EQ |
As is shown above it is possible to have multiple Internal Codes or Analysis Code 2 associated with a single Analysis Code. This allows for more detailed analysis in Power BI. After creating the analysis codes you will need to assign these to the Account Segment Value 1 records. The screen to do this is Account Segment Values:
An external analysis code will need to be assigned to every SegValue 1 record. To assign the code in the screen you will need to use the List view and select the analysis code from the drop down as shown below (It should be noted that the External Analysis Codes can be updated using the Data Migration Tool or using the Copy / Paste Update functionality in the list view).